NON-FICTION: PARIS - ron riekki

Text from my girlfriend:

I was in a café terrace,
drinking with my
roommate from china.
We were talking when
suddenly about 20/25
persons came in our
direction running and
screaming that we need
to go somewhere safe.
Suddenly everybody
start running and I went
inside the café with my
friend.  After few minutes
I checked and policemen
with big weapon and fire
men were outside
screaming to stay inside.
It was so crazy, a
helicopters were flying
too.  Finally I went
outside and I was sure it
was a mistake.  I started
walking away and saw
that all the street was a
messed.  People while
running moved all the
table on the floor, broken
glasses where on the
floor, etc…  Journalist
were taking picture and
asked question.
I knew after that an
explosion from a bar was
the reason why
everybody runned.
People panicked and it
was nothing!
The atmosphere is very
very weird.  People are
scared  and bad news
are all over the news.

Ron Riekki
John Logan